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The Committee for Environmental Protection was reestablished


The Committee for Environmental Protection was reestablished in 2019 to make important decisions regarding environmental protection and sustainability at the University of Freiburg and to make recommendations to the rectorate. The goal of the committee is to consider the interests of all relevant stakeholders in an appropriate way and to initiate and evaluate sustainability measures and projects.

The first meeting after a long break has taken place on 09.12.2019 and the next meeting took place as a video conference on 29.09.2020. The agenda included the planned sustainability report of the university, the introduction of the Studium Oecologicum certificate, measures to reduce emissions from air travel and proposals for future projects.                                        


The comittee is chaired by the Head of Administration (Mr. Schenek). The members are:

- Head of the Staff Council (2 votes - Ms. Jägle, Michael Stader)

- Procurement (Mr. Pfister)

- Students: Stura/Environmental Department (2 votes)

- Ms. Wieland-Poscher (Construction)

- Head of D2 Finance Department (Mr. Dr. Dr. Drzensky)

- Head of KUNA (Commission for Environment and Sustainability) of the university hospital - Armin Schuster

- Head of Department Gender and Diversity (Dr. Knoblich)

- Head of D 4 (Mr. Neukirch)

- Head of the Department for Safety, Environment and Sustainability (Ms. Markmeyer-Pieles and Dr. Steck)

- University Press (Nikolas Scherger)

- Dean Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources (Prof. Dr. Schanz)

- Personal Consultant of the Head of Administration (Mr. Tonndorf)

- Mrs. Prof. Kiesel (Psychology)

- Mrs. Lora Gyuzeleva (Sustainability Manager)

- Mrs. Prof. Alexandra Klein (Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources)

- Mr. Prof. Dr. Stefan Pauliuk (Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources)

- Dr. Stumpf (Psychology)

- University physician Daniel Steinman




 Photo: Sandra Meyndt